Welcome to Torquay Bowen Therapy
Torquay Bowen Therapy provides treatment for a range of complaints, muscular pains and other physical and emotional conditions using the Bowen Technique.
As described in greater detail on our site, The Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-invasive procedure that helps the body to re-align itself to its previously healthy state following issues such as the occurrence of an injury, medical condition or the effects of prolonged poor posture.
Only a few treatments can completely alleviate the pain and discomfort that our clients are suffering.
An initial consultation form and discussion will highlight the main areas needing treatment. Often, due to referred pain and body compensation, there is more than one area of the body needing treatment. Whilst Bowen therapy has an effect on the whole body it may not be appropriate to overload the body with too many procedures in one session.
The treatments are usually given on a bodywork bed/table or chair with the client wearing underwear and covered with a large towel or blanket. However, if, for any reason, this is not comfortable, the treatments can be given through light clothing. A treatment usually lasts between 45 minutes to an hour and whilst Bowen can have an immediate effect on some conditions, experience shows that three treatments seem to have a more long term beneficial effect.
You can contact Torquay Bowen Therapy by telephoning Clare Kidd on 07973 194040 or by emailing her at Torquay Bowen Therapy